Virginia Gold Cup Association Statement

The National Steeplechase Association (NSA), the national governing body for jump racing, has revoked the sanction for the running of the 2024 International Gold Cup at Great Meadow, scheduled to run on October 26. The NSA has deemed the Great Meadow racecourse to be “in disrepair and unsafe.” Without the NSA sanction, the races cannot continue at Great Meadow.
The safety of the horses and jockeys is the Virginia Gold Cup Association’s top priority as a race meet, and it is also the most important responsibility and focus of the NSA. The NSA has been monitoring the conditions closely at Great Meadow for years and has now taken action in keeping with its mandate to provide safe racing conditions.
The Virginia Gold Cup Association is a separate entity from Great Meadow. The Association leases the Great Meadow racecourse for its two race meets—the Virginia Gold Cup (spring) and the International Gold Cup (fall.) Within the lease contract, Great Meadow bears the responsibility of maintaining the racecourse to NSA standards.
Also recognizing the importance of the International Gold Cup to the horsemen and our guests, the Virginia Gold Cup Association has secured another venue on its originally scheduled race date of October 26th at Glenwood Park in Middleburg, Virginia.
The staff of the Virginia Gold Cup Association will be in touch with you starting Monday, September 23, 2024, to discuss your plans for attending the races at the Glenwood Park venue.
Barbara Shannon
Event Director
Virginia Gold Cup Association